Published on July 22nd, 2022

Last updated on February 6th, 2023

Fastest Way To Clean Your House: 12 Tips For Saving Our Precious Time

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes
woman with a cleaning bucket

Even when we enter a room and see dirt there, it immediately causes us disgust and disappointment because we have to clean it sooner or later. Therefore, developing your own plan and implementing it step by step is better. Because most often, people choose one day a week or a month for general cleaning and spend the whole day on it. But to tell the truth, it is not a good idea. It’s better to find the right approach to cleaning, and then you can save time. So, to save your time and nerves, you should divide these duties into a month when it is convenient for you and follow the next advice for quick cleaning. Then this process will seem easy to you, and your house will always be clean.

The most effective advice is the organization of your actions. People who have a cleaning schedule know where to start cleaning twice as fast. It’s a fact that most of us hate cleaning and do it with great displeasure. When we hear about cleaning, our mood immediately disappears. Especially when you don’t know where to start and run from corner to corner. You think about what to do first, whether to clean the bedroom or the kitchen or maybe the bathroom. But your cleaning will not be so difficult if you are more organised.

What Is The Fastest Way To Clean A House?

cleaning glass table

There is no specific way to clean quickly, but there are tips that will make this process faster and more pleasant. Follow these tips, and then your home will be clean and tidy:

1. Organize All The Work You Want To Do

As we talked about above, plan everything in points, and it will be easier for you to focus on work. Organize the time and clean your rooms step by step.

2. Prepare All Cleaning Products In Advance

You will definitely need such things as a spray for washing windows and sinks and not only that. Therefore, prepare it for cleaning so it will be around you.

3. Remove The Most Important Things

To begin with, remove what hinders you at first glance. Remove everything from shelves and tables to make the room seem cleaner. And then take away the rest in order.

4. Clean Everything At Once

Perhaps with this point, you think it will take a long time, but it is a quick way to clean the house. Do not clean one room. Try to clean the whole house. So the time will pass faster, and you won’t need to clean up something the next day.

5. Focus On The Most Important Places

Start quick house cleaning with places you first pay attention to when entering the house. It refers to the entrance hall, kitchen, and hall. If you have guests, it is also essential to clean the toilet.

6. Combine The Work

If you spray the sinks and toilet, do not wait for them to absorb this spray. Let it stay like that and continue to do something else. You can clean the kitchen or something else, and after a couple of minutes, return to the sinks with the toilet and wipe them with a rag.

7. Clean Your House Fast

Do not focus on one subject for a long time. Don’t stand with the vacuum cleaner for an hour to clean everything to a shine. There is no need to wash dishes for 40 minutes. Do everything with ease and don’t get attached to things.

8. Wipe Off The Dust And Then Vacuum

It is essential to first remove all the dust from the wardrobes, shelves, and windowsills, and only then vacuum. Because then you will have to clean again because the dust settles on the carpet.

9. Set A Time Limit

It’s one of the fastest ways to clean a house. Think about how much time you need. For example, you need an hour, then put it on a stopwatch and try to fit in this time.

Then you will focus on the fact that you have limitations and do everything faster.

10. Joint Work

It’s the quickest way to clean a house for a family. Everyone can be assigned a specific job. Someone’s kitchen and someone’s living room. Then everyone will be busy with their task, and you will clean your house quickly.

11. Turn On The Music

To make cleaning more satisfying and faster, turn on your favorite music and clean to it. It will put you in a better mood.

12. Hire A Cleaning Company

In general, there is an option such as a cleaning company. It means hiring people who will make your house perfectly clean. But if you follow the cleaning tips, you won’t need a cleaning company because you will want to clean yourself.

How To Organize A Quick Cleaning Plan?

house cleaning process

In truth, a cleaning schedule is the best way to clean quickly. You need to create your own checklist where you will write your responsibilities and a plan for doing these actions. And then you should hang it on the wall and follow all the points. It will make your cleaning process more comfortable.

You can create your own plan using the following template:

  1. Choose which day of the week you would like to clean;
  2. Allocate some duties per week and some per month;
  3. Set aside a certain number of minutes for each room;
  4. Determine where you will start your work and where you will end it;
  5. Write a list of cleaning products that you need every time.

It’s also a good idea to set a list with time to quickly orient you on how much time you need for each room.

I have an estimated sample of this but do not forget that everyone has different houses, and everyone has a different number of rooms, so this is an approximate time for cleaning:

  • 15 minutes – cleaning the kitchen;
  • 10 minutes – changing the bed;
  • 10 minutes – washing the mirror;
  • 10 minutes – cleaning bathroom;
  • 15 minutes – removing the dust.

Everything is individual. It is better to determine your own plan and to know how much time you need. But it is unnecessary to clean it for a long time and to perfection. It will only make you work harder and waste your time.

In What Order Should You Clean Your House?

organizing house items

Usually, people do not know in what order to do quick house cleaning and try to tackle all the rooms at once. It is better not to do this because it will take a lot of your time. Better follow this plan:

  1. Start from the bedroom

You stay in this room every day, so it should be clean. Remove it first. Sweep and wipe the floor, dust, and vacuum. Clean all surfaces and put clothes away.

  1. Go to the kitchen

A kitchen is also a place you often spend time. Every day you cook something, and it causes dirt and smell. Therefore, remove everything from the surfaces and wash the dishes first. Wipe the tile and the table. Wash the refrigerator (this can be done once a month) and put the dishes on the bedside tables. Also, do not forget about hard-to-reach places. It refers to the hood and the garbage under the table and the refrigerator. Dust piles up there most often.

  1. Continue cleaning the other rooms

Next, clean the hall, hallway, and other rooms. Remove the essential things. Also, do not forget about the windows that need to be washed (they can also be cleaned once a month). Next, spray the mirror with detergent and wipe it until it shines.

  1. Finally, clean the bathroom

Here you need to wipe the sink and the mirror (if there is one). Remove all cosmetics, toothbrushes, shower gel, etc. Wash towels, wash the floor, take out the trash, and flush the toilet. Put new toilet paper and put down a clean garbage bag.

It is a plan for those who do not know where to start quick cleaning. If you have a personal plan, that’s great. Perhaps it is more convenient for you to clean the bathroom first and then the kitchen. It’s all up to you but stick to this plan if you don’t know how to start your cleaning.

Supplies For A Quick House Cleaning

holding cleaning supplies

Everyone who cleans their home should have supplies for cleaning. It makes cleaning easier and keeps your home perfectly clean. So, you need to have:

  1. Sponges and rags

Change dishwashing sponges regularly. Usually, it should be done once a week.

You will also need rags for wiping surfaces. The best option is not simple rags but unique napkins for wiping surfaces.

  1. Broom and scoop

Before you wash the floor, be sure to sweep it. It is necessary to remove all the dust and garbage that has accumulated. Trash usually gets in places such as corners of the room, under beds, under tables, and behind cabinets.

  1. Wet mop

Mop the floor. Wet cleaning always makes your rooms cleaner and frees the air from dust.

  1. Detergents

Every home has to have sprayed for wiping windows and mirrors. Also, detergent for the bathroom, sinks, and toilet. It is necessary, but you must be careful because it is a chemical.

  1. Protective gloves

About the chemical examples above, you will need gloves to protect your skin from chemicals.

  1. Vacuum cleaner

A broom is excellent, but it doesn’t do a cleaning job as well as a vacuum cleaner. A broom is more intended for surface debris, and a vacuum cleaner will avoid all debris, even in hard-to-reach places, and bring order to the room.

  1. Toilet blocks

To have a pleasant smell in your toilet, use blocks for it. They provide a pleasant aroma and fresh air.

  1. Wool brush

It refers to those who have pets. They often shed, and all the wool remains on rugs and sofas. So, use a brush to clean all the fur.

Maybe you do not have all of these cleaning supplies, but at least half of them should be in your house. Without them, you will not be able to cope with all the dirt, and it will take a lot of your time. So don’t forget to use them.


Should I dust or vacuum first? 

First, remove the dust. When you clean the dust, it then settles on the floor. Therefore, it is better to wipe the dust first and then remove it with a vacuum cleaner.

When cleaning a house, where do I start? 

Start with those rooms where you are most often. Basically, the kitchen and bathroom are the first to get dirty. But maybe you don’t cook in the kitchen at all and are constantly in the bedroom. In such a case, it is better to start with the bedroom.

How do I motivate myself to clean? 

Set up a positive mindset and turn on your favorite music. It will significantly improve your mood and push you to do the cleaning. Or set a timer that will motivate you to clean your house fast.

Why is it so hard to clean my house?

Maybe the reason is that you keep too many things around the house. It is better to clean what catches your eye and prevents you from concentrating on cleaning. So, put everything in its place and then the house will not seem so dirty.