Published on January 31st, 2023
Last updated on February 6th, 2023
How To Clean Front Load Washer? Best Way With Tips And Tricks

The washing machine is an indispensable but capricious helper. Sometimes it can break, but we have a solution. The easiest way to clean the front load washer is to use the reaction of citric acid. If you have a machine with a vertical load, and the detergent has accumulated too long, then you need more than one cycle.
You can clean the front-loading washing machine as follows. You will have to clean the drum manually. Make sure there is no bleach in the machine. Mix white vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio. Spray the solution on the activator and the tank. Leave the solution for about 10 minutes. After that, take a brush or sponge and go over the parts.
It is pretty easy to take care of it if you know how. The good news is that this time we will do cleaning the front loader washer without expensive remedies. And now, let’s talk about the best way to clean the front load washer in more detail.
The First Stage: How to Clean the Drum & the Heating Element?
The heat and moisture left in the machine after washing promote plaque development. It quickly becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. Citric acid will remove this scale if the situation is not critical. It is a reaction between salts and calcium. It simply dissolves them. In the same way, we sanitize the drum of the front load washer.
Sometimes the plaque is difficult to see. To check for plaque, take a clean, dry towel and place it in an empty machine. Turn on the machine and put it in a short, high-temperature setting. Do not add detergent. Let the towel run for a few minutes. If you see foam – there is soap scum inside the machine. Here’s the problem:
- you put too much powder in during the wash, and it settles.
- you put too much stuff in, overloading the machine, and it needs cleaning.
Read below what to use to clean the front load washer and follow the instructions:
- Step 1
Set the longest and hottest washing mode (like the one on which you wash especially dirty things). It is for the maximum load on the machine. Don’t add any clothes.
- Step 2
Pour the acid into the powder dispenser.
- Step 3
Pour 100-200 grams of chlorine directly into the drum. It will dissolve the scale, removing it both from the drum and the heating elements. So you can be sure that it is the best way to clean the front load washer.
- Step 4
Turn the machine on and wait for a complete cycle.
- Step 5
Set the rinse mode and run a full cycle (again without clothes). It should remove soap scum from the drum.
- Step 6
When you’re done, wipe the inside of the washer with a cloth.
It is difficult to say precisely how much citric acid you should add for cleaning the front loader washer. It is about 2-3 tablespoons of this food additive for a standard washing machine.
The Second Stage: How to Clean the Drain Filter?
The first symptom of a clogged drain pump filter is when the machine does not wring out clothes well after washing. Another “warning sign” – is when it vibrates during operation, too long washes on standard modes, and the door remains locked for a long time after stopping the cycle.
Sometimes, small objects that fall into the tank end up in the drain, and they are caught in the filter. Follow our instructions to know how to clean the front load washer:
- Step 1
After unplugging the appliance, ensure against spilled water on the plug – place it on top of the machine.
- Step 2
Remove the wet clothes. Bail the water out with a bucket (it’s too hard to move the washer if it’s full of water and clogged with wet clothes).
- Step 3
Move the appliance away from the wall so you can stand behind it.
- Step 4
Unscrew the pump that the hose attaches to. Some models of the machine have it in plain sight. If you don’t find it, look for it on the back of the machine. It is essential to know to clean the front-loading washing machine correctly.
- Step 5
Examine all three hoses and choose the largest in diameter. It is the drain hose that attaches to the sewer pipe.
- Step 6
Disconnect the hose from the pump. You will need a wrench with a sliding lock to open the fastener that holds the hose.
- Step 7
Keep a bucket nearby to put under the water, which often pours out of the drain pump when you remove the hose.
- Step 8
Disconnect the other end of the hose from the pipe to which it is attached.
- Step 9
It is one of the most important actions while cleaning the front loader washer. You need to check the hose along its entire length. If you feel a seal, squeeze it and squeeze out the debris from the inside.
- Step 10
Rinse the hose under water.
- Step 11
Put it back in.
- Step 12
Run the machine to check that everything is working.
Bottom Line
Now you know how to clean the front load washer. But it is better not to bring your machine to the brink. Do preventive maintenance regularly. It is much easier than hard cleaning it afterward. Household appliances will live much longer and wash almost perfectly under your watchful eye.
What remedies are good for cleaning the front load washer?
A good remedy for cleaning a front-load washer is to use a mixture of vinegar and baking soda. Mix one cup of white distilled vinegar with one baking soda. And pour the mixture into the detergent dispenser. Run the washer on its hottest cycle to clean out dirt and debris. Afterward, wipe down the area with a damp cloth and run an empty cycle to rinse any residue.
How to remove dirt from under the seal in the washing machine?
Bleach and baking soda are diluted in proportions of 1 to 1. Run the machine with an empty drum at 90 ° C. Then wet a towel in warm soapy water, and thoroughly wipe the seal and the space under the fold. Finally, rinse and wipe dry.
How to prevent unpleasant haps and breakdowns in the machine?
Even if you prefer to wash at low temperatures, at least once a month turn on a mode with a temperature of at least 60ºC (or even 90ºC). It will kill the germs and bacteria that accumulate in your washing machine. Also, study the dosage carefully. Since over-dosage of products leads to contamination.
What can you run the washing machine with?
Pour 100 milliliters of bleach into the detergent drawer and the same amount into the drum. Run a hot wash with an empty drum. If possible, pause the washing process as soon as the drum is full of water. Leave the washer-dryer in this position for one hour and continue washing.