Published on December 8th, 2022
Last updated on February 3rd, 2023
How To Get Rid Of Cockroaches In Your House Forever! Proven Remedies & Ways

Did you go into the kitchen at night for a snack but find only crumbs instead of cake? Congratulations, it is cockroaches! If you’re like most people, one glance at a mustachioed cockroach will give you the chills. Cockroaches are not only unpleasant and repulsive creatures. But they can also spread harmful diseases. So it is time to act and find out how to get rid of cockroaches forever if you have an infestation of them in your home.
This blog article will cover some tried and best ways to get rid of roaches. We will also discuss some proven remedies for getting rid of these pests. So read on to learn more!
How to Get Rid of Roaches Naturally: 6 Home Remedies

Using natural, often DIY roach killers have great benefits. And these benefits will apply not only to you and your health but also to nature.
First, when you go the natural route for roach control, you will not expose yourself or your family to harmful chemicals and toxins. Second, these solutions are often more effective than their chemical counterparts. In some cases, they kill roaches instantly. And third, home remedies for roaches are usually cheaper than pest control products.
You’re in luck if you want to get rid of cockroaches without chemicals such as bombs, sprays, or foggers. There are several effective home remedies to get rid of these nasty critters. And many of them won’t do any harm like chemicals. Our recommendations will be:
Boric Acid
It is one of the most famous DIY roach killers. Have you ever encountered boric acid in your home life? If so, then you know exactly how unpleasant this product smells. People do not sniff it unnecessarily, but this product will kill the cockroaches. Boric acid works because it dehydrates and kills cockroaches. When cockroaches ingest or come into contact with it, they die.
By the way, boric acid is a common ingredient among many commercial pest control products.
To kill cockroaches with boric acid, you can make a paste. You need to take some boric acid powder and water. Mix this and apply the paste to cracks and crevices where these pests hide. You can also make cockroach traps by placing the powder or paste in a container with holes in the lid. The cockroaches will climb into the container to get the bait. But then they won’t be able to get out and will eventually die.
Remember that boric acid can be dangerous if ingested, so keep it out of reach of children and pets.
Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous earth is a substance of natural origin. Manufacturers make it from the fossilized remains of algae. The powder is an abrasive and kills cockroaches. It does this by piercing their exoskeleton and dehydrating them. It is another DIY roach killer.
To use diatomaceous earth, sprinkle it in areas where you have noticed or suspect roaches.
Be sure to apply it in a thin layer so the roaches will contact it. You can also put it in cracks and crevices to kill cockroaches hiding there.
Like boric acid, diatomaceous earth can be dangerous if ingested. If you spill diatomaceous earth, ensure that children or animals do not go near it.
Neem Oil
Neem oil is not very popular, but it is an excellent home remedy for cockroaches. This oil is a vegetable oil, the producers extract it from the neem tree. An oil has insecticidal, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. In other words, it is deadly to cockroaches. To kill cockroaches with neem oil:
- Add 2-3 drops of neem oil to a cotton pad.
- Spread the cotton pads in places where you have seen cockroaches or where they like to hide.
- Repeat the procedure as needed until the cockroaches are gone.
Ensure your pets (dogs, especially) don’t pick up the cotton swab. Small children can do this, too, so it’s essential to watch for it.
You probably didn’t expect to see this ingredient on our list. But cockroaches hate catnip. That’s a fact. Studies have shown that this herb repels cockroaches. You can use fresh or dried catnip for this remedy.
To kill cockroaches with catnip, you will need the following:
- 1 cup of water.
- 1 teaspoon of dried catnip or 2-3 tablespoons of fresh catnip (chopped with a knife or blender).
Cockroach Treatment Instructions:
Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
- Place the mixture in a spray bottle and shake well.
- Spray the solution on the cockroaches when you see them. You can also spray it in potential roach hiding places, such as cracks and crevices, or where you last saw them.
- Repeat the process as needed.
Note: You can also use fresh or dried mint in this recipe. Peppermint also repels cockroaches.
But here’s the thing! If you have a cat in your home, you must put it in another room. Your furry friend may constantly be getting at the smell of catnip.
Cedar Oil
It is another essential oil that can get rid of roaches. Cedar oil interferes with the cockroaches’ ability to shed their exoskeleton. As a result, they die.
To use cedar oil for cockroach control:
- put a few drops on a cotton pad
- apply it to cracks and crevices where these pests hide.
The second option, add water and cedar oil to a spray bottle and shake well. Then spray the cockroaches with this solution.
Cedar oil is also an excellent repellent, so you can use it to repel cockroaches (that is, prevention).
Eucalyptus Lemon Oil
Eucalyptus lemon oil is the latest DIY roach killer. This oil is one of the most effective home remedies against cockroaches. It is a natural insecticide that can kill cockroaches instantly. What you will need:
- Eucalyptus lemon oil
- Spray bottle
- Pour eucalyptus lemon oil into the spray bottle.
- Spray the mixture on roaches and in areas where you have seen them.
- Repeat the process as needed.
Note: This home remedy is only effective against adult cockroaches.
Best Way to Get Rid of Roaches: 3 Standard Methods

Besides home remedies for roaches, there are standard methods. They can help you exterminate cockroaches. Here they are:
- Using glue traps
One of the most effective ways to kill cockroaches is using glue traps. Glue traps work by baiting cockroaches with the smell of food and then holding them to a sticky surface. This method will help you identify problem areas in your home so that you can focus your efforts on them.
To use glue traps, place them where you have seen cockroaches or where they are likely to roost. Be sure to check the traps regularly and get rid of trapped roaches.
- Use bait stations
Bait stations are another great way to kill cockroaches. These stations work by luring roaches into a container of food bait. This method is especially effective if you have a large roach infestation.
To use bait stations to treat cockroaches, place them in areas where you have seen them.
- Use insecticide sprays
Insecticide sprays are another best way to get rid of cockroaches. Such sprays kill cockroaches on contact. This method is effective if you have a small infestation.
Spray insecticides where there are cockroaches to use them. Make sure to dispose of the dead cockroaches according to the label’s instructions.
How Do I Get Rid of Cockroaches From the Outside of My House?

If you have cockroaches in your house, you probably have them outside. To get rid of cockroaches from the outside of your home, follow these steps:
- Inspect the outside of your home for potential entry points, such as cracks and crevices.
- If you find roach infiltration sites, immediately seal all potential infiltration sites with caulk or other sealants.
- Use insecticide sprays or bait around the house. The spray may even get better because you’ll use it outdoors and won’t breathe in chemicals.
- Remove any food sources that might attract cockroaches, such as trash or pet food.
- Keep your yard clean and free of debris.
- If you have a compost container, close it with no foul odor.
- Check your home regularly for roaches and if you find any, take steps to get rid of them.
What Kinds of Cockroaches Live In the House?

Before we start talking about how to get rid of cockroaches, it is crucial first to determine the type of cockroach that is infesting your home. There are different types of cockroaches, each requiring a different eradication approach.
You can find 2 of the most common types of cockroaches – German and American. Let’s take a closer look at each species:
- The German cockroach.
The German cockroach is minor, ranging from 1/2 to 5/8 of an inch. Its are brown with two dark stripes on the back. We understand that when you see a cockroach, it is unlikely that you will consider what lines it has on its back. You’re more likely to be trying to kill the cockroach. But here’s how else you can identify them:
You can attract German cockroaches with dampness and food. It is why you may often see them in kitchens and toilets. This type of cockroach cleverly hides in tiny cracks and crevices.
- The American cockroach.
This kind of cockroach is bigger than the German cockroach and is 1 to 2 inches long. They are a reddish brown color with a yellowish stripe on the back. Again, just so you don’t stand there and look closely at the color of the cockroach, they also have a difference:
American cockroaches usually live in basements and other dull, moist places. You can find this species in cracks and crevices all over the house. All because they are adept at hiding.
There are also brown-striped cockroaches. You can call them oriental cockroaches. They are about the same size as American cockroaches. Oriental cockroaches usually live in basements. Of course, there is no point in figuring out whether a cockroach is American or Oriental. The most important thing is to start the treatment for roaches.
What Attracts Cockroaches to Your House?

No matter what type of cockroach lives in your home, one thing is sure: you don’t want them there. But before you look for the best way to get rid of cockroaches, you need to understand precisely what attracts cockroaches to your home. Once you know what attracts cockroaches, you can take steps to eliminate these attractive factors and get rid of cockroaches for good!
There are only five major factors that attract the whiskers to your home:
Food Sources | You attract cockroaches to your home through food. And it makes no difference to these animals what kind of food they have. So roaches will constantly crawl into your house if you have food. Significantly if food has fallen or rolled under the table. Keep food in airtight containers and immediately clean up any crumbs. |
Water Sources | Cockroaches need water to survive, so if there are leaks or standing water in your home. It is 90% likely to attract cockroaches to your home. Be sure to fix any leaks and dry any sources of standing water. Then you definitely won’t have to look for home remedies for roaches control products. |
Shelter | Cockroaches need somewhere to hide. So if there are cracks and crevices in your home, you can also count on the roaches coming in sooner. Be sure to caulk all cracks and crevices around your home to avoid encountering them. |
Landscaping | You are more likely to get cockroaches if you have hiding places and easy access to food and water. Roaches might enter your home from the outside if plants and trees are nearby. |
How do Cockroaches Get Into Your Home?

You attract cockroaches to your home for several reasons (listed above). But attraction is only the first part. To wreak havoc, cockroaches must enter the house. More often than not, these crafty pests enter your home through cracks and crevices.
Here’s how roaches can get into your home:
Cracks and crevices in windows and doors | Think everything is locked up, and there’s no way roaches can get to you? No, no, they’re a lot trickier than you think. Because of their small size, roaches can enter your home through tiny cracks and crevices. You probably won’t even notice them coming and hanging out in your kitchen. If your home has cracks or gaps in these areas, be sure to caulk them with caulk or other sealants. |
Openings in pipes and vents | Vents and holes in pipes are much larger than cracks and crevices. It means that it is even easier for cockroaches to get through them. You attract these pests with the warmth of your home. And they will crawl into any opening they can find. You will have to look for treatment for roaches as soon as you see one. Check all pipes and vents and seal them with caulk or another sealant. |
Moving around on furniture and other items | If you have outdoor furniture, you can have cockroaches entering the house. So essentially, you are bringing roaches into your home on your own. To avoid this, check all furniture and items before bringing them home. |
Now, you know what to do if your house is full of cockroaches. Stop them from getting into your house with our tips!
How to keep cockroaches away?
The best way to repel cockroaches is to use home remedies, such as eucalyptus lemon oil. You should also check your home regularly for cockroaches. If necessary, you must take steps to exterminate them.
What kills cockroaches?
Several methods can exterminate cockroaches. The most effective methods include:
1. Glue traps
2. Baits
3. Insecticide sprays
4. Home remedies, such as eucalyptus-lemon or cedar oil.
These methods can kill cockroaches or prevent them from entering your home.
How to prevent cockroaches from entering your house?
The best way to prevent cockroach infestation is to seal all potential entry points. You can do this with any sealant. You should also remove any food sources that might attract cockroaches. You can also use insecticide sprays or baits around the house to kill roaches on contact.
How do I know if I have a roach problem?
If you see cockroaches in your home, there is likely an infestation. Additionally, their droppings or eggshells may indicate a roach infestation. If you notice any of these signs in your home, you must take steps to get rid of them immediately.
How long does it take to get rid of cockroaches?
It can take several weeks to get rid of a cockroach infestation. But, the time it takes to drop them will depend on how severe the infestation is and which method you use. Generally, home remedies and standard techniques like glue traps, bait stations, and insecticide sprays effectively cut cockroaches from your home.
When should I call an exterminator?
If home remedies and standard methods do not help, then it is vital to switch to other methods. You need to call an exterminator. They will provide a more comprehensive treatment plan to eradicate cockroaches. They will also be able to identify potential roach entry points. They will patch them up to prevent future infestations.