Published on July 18th, 2022
Last updated on February 6th, 2023
5 Working Tips To Get Rid Of Gnats In The House

The little black gnats in your house are big trouble for the inhabitants. Ripped fruits, blocked drainage systems, or old trash could provoke the existence of these annoying flies, which spoil fresh products and plants. Also, these harmful creatures spread bacteriological or infectious diseases. So before knowing how to get rid of small gnats and flies in the house, you should discover information about them.
In fact, gnats are a family name for the little black flying insects which could become a source of unsanitary ailments, including:
- fruit flies magnetized by fragrant sweet juicy fruits and berries like melons, apples, bananas, or grapes;
- drain flies residing in long-term blocked or dirty sewerage pipelines;
- fungus gnats that admire decaying substances or overwatered soils are frequently indicated in the house plant pots.
There are no guarantees that you could avoid meetings with colonies of these harmful flies because you may bring the infected fruits from the stores, or these tiny black flies could come into your house via air ventilation units. I prepared for you five tips to get rid of small gnats in your house and other premises.
5 Tips On Getting Rid Of Small Flies In House
Gnats are always a challenge for anyone who wishes to keep their house ideal. Luckily, these annoying little creatures are not resistant to simply powerful homemade tricks to get rid of small flies for a prolonged period. Here you may discover a few practical methods to eliminate little black gnats in your house and save your indoor plants and foods from these tiny flies.
Detect The Source That May Attract Gnats

The primary step is to detect the actual source where flies are located and hatch their eggs. Once a place of their residence is detected, the simplest solution is to remove the old organic trash or forgotten cut foods in the kitchen. Therefore you will eliminate the amount of ripped sweet substances that accumulate these unnecessary creatures and drastically reduce the number of little flies. After proper cleaning, you completely eliminate small flies inside your house.
The same approach is eligible for drain flies. The best solution is to disinfect your drainage pipes and keep them cleaned without uneaten foods. The more complicated case is tiny fans of the wet soil. If you deal with fungus gnats, you can not easily throw your plants away. You need to apply some other tricks to catch gnats and restrict their abilities to increase their population.
Minimize Chances Of Appearing New Flies

Liquidation of the source of gnats and fruit flies in your house is not the happy end in your fight against these noisy creatures. Indeed, you need to get rid of eggs hatched by small flies in the house. If you deal with fruit flies or drain gnats, the chances of seeing them again after the elimination of their sources and proper cleaning actions are pretty high. However, the gnats located in the plant soil are serious trouble for tenants of the house.
To prevent the new flies in your plants, you need to remember some pieces of advice:
- Stop overwatering your plant. The main reason for the gnats is wet and decaying soil and leaves.
- Remove the decaying leaves from the pots;
- Cover the surface of each plot with steel wool. This material represents a tiny net safe for your plants. They will receive enough water and air and lock the newborn gnats;
- Decor the wool with stones or other floristic decorations.
Simple DIY Gnat Trap

To catch small gnats which spread in different rooms of your house, you may craft an easy trap using the items on hand:
- Take a clean glass jar from a homemade jam;
- Mix 6 drops of liquid dish soap, a half cup of warm water, 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, and 1 tablespoon of sugar;
- Put the solution into the jar and cover the entrance with plastic wrap;
- Fix the covering with rubber;
- Make several holes for flies.
As such, flies catch the sweet smell and go through the holes into the substance; however, sticky soap liquid holds them and does not allow them to leave the trap.
Hydrogen Peroxide As Solution Against Gnats And Fruit Flies In Your House
The effective method to protect your inside plants or interior targets of the gnats is to use special spraying extrait. All you need to make this powerful solution are:
- a bottle with the spraying element;
- 4 parts of water;
- 1 part of 3% hydrogen peroxide.
The mixture could be diffused on plants and kitchen staff, bathroom, or garage to ensure the absence of gnats and fruit flies inside the house in the nearest future. In addition, the chemical qualities of hydrogen peroxide solution make a strengthened barrier for many infections and harmful bacterias, which could prefer dirty drainage systems or overwatered soil in dark premises.
Universal Recipe To Prevent Tiny Black Flies From Appearing In Your House

The perfect flies catcher and house eco-disinfection solution consist of:
- 1 cup of clean water;
- a few drops of lemon liquid dish soap;
- 2 teaspoons of baking soda.
You must mix the ingredients and spay them on the infected stuff to avoid spreading the small gnats in your house. Do not be afraid to use this solution for the leaves or stems of your plants. The solution is safe for them and helps to keep protective abilities for a more extended period.
Suppose the gnats’ effects crucially damage your plants, or you use specific liquids to boost their growth. In that case, baking soda could become an unacceptable ingredient for this universal recipe against gnats.
Therefore, you may not add this substance to the anti-gnats solution. Liquid dish soap and water will be enough to get rid of small flies in your house for the long term. You should remember to apply the last solution variation once per month or longer.
How to get rid of gnats inside the house?
To make little black gnats disappear in your house, you need to follow a sophisticated algorithm of actions: eliminate the source of their activities; take care of their generations; prepare some traps or special anti-gnats sprays, using household items (sugar, dish soap, hydrogen peroxide solution, apple vinegar, or lemon juice); implement preventive measures to decline the chances of their existence in the nearest future.
What are these little black flies in my house?
You may notice the large community of little black flies in the kitchen or around plants, which quickly spread in the whole house. In particular, the forgotten ripped juicy fruits, overwatered plant soil, or uncleaned drainage system become a source of small gnats inside, which could harm the health of your plants or sometimes infect the house inhabitants.