Published on August 2nd, 2022
Last updated on February 6th, 2023
How To Protect Home From Burglary? Top 12 Home Security Ideas

People often refer to their home as their ‘castle.’ And for a good reason: your home is where you should feel the safest and protected. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to help protect your home from burglary or other intrusions.
Can burglary be prevented? Burglars often case a neighborhood before breaking into houses. They look for easy targets-homes without security systems or those with open windows or unsecured doors. So it’s essential to take some basic steps to make your home less appealing to burglars.
You can start by installing a security system, keeping all windows and doors locked, and trimming back bushes and trees that provide cover for thieves. You can also install motion detector lights around your property, which will turn on when someone approaches. Read on to learn each method in detail and get instructions if someone breaks into your home.
Why Is It Important To Protect Your House?

Your home is your castle, and you should do everything possible to maintain the best house protection.
There are key principles why it is essential to keep your house safe:
- First of all, this is important because it concerns your safety. The more secure your home is, the better you and your loved ones are protected, and nothing threatens your life;
- Secondly, if your property is valuable to you, it is in your interest to protect it from robbers. After all, it would not be fair to lose everything for what you worked for many years, and someone just came to you and took it away;
- Home is a place you will return to every day, in any condition and mood. Therefore, it is crucial to make this place as safe and loved by you as possible. This includes security, the atmosphere, renovation, and house appearance.
However, our article is devoted to security, so here are some security ideas for your home to help keep it safe from burglars.
It’s Important If You Have Not Bought The House Yet
If you have not yet decided on a house but are already looking for various options and are worried about security in advance, think about what area/district you will live in.
No matter how many bells and whistles you install in your home systems, no matter how safe it may seem, the area in which you live determines the quality and safety of your life.
Choose the best and safest area in your city. To do this, you can look at crime news and compare where crimes and robberies most often occur. Also, check the official area safety statistics on the Internet or read the city’s thematic forums. All the necessary information will be there. In addition, what kind of neighbors you will live with can also help you. When you are looking for a house to buy, be sure to get to know the neighbors and analyze their behavior. Ask people around about this place and only then make a buying decision.
Have A Visible Security System Installed

Ensure your security system is visible to would-be burglars. This will serve as a deterrent, and if they do attempt a break-in, the security system will alert you (and potentially the authorities) of the attempted intrusion.
There are many options on the market for such systems that even work on the retina, like in James Bond films.
- Сamera;
- Alarm;
- All kinds of sensors range from motion sensors to glass break sensors.
Believe us, with such a system, even a fly will not be able to get into your house.
Make Sure All Your Windows And Doors Are Locked And Have Secure Locks

This is an obvious one, but it’s essential nonetheless. Ensure all doors and windows are equipped with solid locks that cannot be easily picked or broken open.
Deadbolts are always a good idea, and if you have windows on the ground floor, consider adding bars or grates for extra protection.
It is better to spend one day searching for the necessary information and buying bolts and secure doors than several years to restore something thieves can steal.
Keep Bushes Trimmed So Burglars Can’t Hide Behind Them

Where is the first place you go if you don’t want to be seen when you play action games? The answer is obvious – bushes or other shelters you can use to hide.
The real world is not much different, and those who want to get into your house will choose shelters near your house to sneak into your home unnoticed and rob you.
What solution can we offer you? Everything is very simple! Ensure there are no significant hiding places around your house for burglars to hide behind. To do this, cut your bushes and remove large partitions. With this approach, the robbers will not have a chance to take your jewelry and harm you.
Install Outdoor Lighting To Make It Harder For Intruders To Sneak Around

One of the best ways to protect a home from burglary is to install outdoor lighting. This will deter criminals from approaching your home, as they will be more visible to passing cars or neighbors. You can also install motion-sensor lights.
Motion-sensor lights are a great way to deter burglars. These lights will turn on automatically when someone walks by, making it easier for you to spot any suspicious activity. You can also install solar-powered lights, which are easy to install and don’t require an electrician.
Keep Your Garage Door Closed And Locked When You’re Not Using It

An open garage door is an invitation for burglars. Ensure to keep your garage door closed when you are not home. If you have an automatic garage door opener, make sure to keep it locked as well.
Educate Your Family And Friends About Safety Precautions They Should Take When They’re Visiting/Leaving The House

You can never be too careful when protecting your home from break-ins. Educating your family and friends about safety precautions that can help deter burglars is essential. You can make a short guide for each family member on what to do before leaving home or what to do to be safe at home.
Here is an example of a ‘to do’ list:
- Ensure all doors and windows are locked before leaving the house or going to bed;
- Keep valuables, such as jewelry and electronics, out of sight and in a safe place;
- Never hide a spare key outside of your home. If you must, give it to a trusted neighbor or friend;
- Be aware of your surroundings and immediately report any suspicious activity to the police.
Following these simple tips can help protect your home from break-ins.
Close The Curtains

If you have valuables inside your home, it’s best to keep them hidden from view. Burglars are more likely to target a home if they can see valuable items through the windows. Closing your blackout curtains or blinds makes it more difficult for burglars to scope out your home and plan a break-in.
Protect The Windows

In addition to closing the curtains, you should also take steps to protect your windows themselves. Consider installing window security film or bars if your home has weak or old windows.
This will make it more difficult for burglars to break in through the windows. You can also install motion-sensor lights around your windows to deter burglars and alert you to outside activity.
Keep Valuables Out Of Sight

Keeping valuables out of sight is still essential even if your home is well-protected. If a burglar does manage to break into your home, you don’t want them to have easy access to your most valuable possessions. Keep wallets, jewelry, and other valuables in a safe place where they can’t be seen from the outside.
Get A Dog Or Pretend You Have One

A dog can be a great addition to any home, but they offer an extra security layer. Burglars are less likely to target a home with a dog, as they may bark and alert the homeowners to their presence. If you’re considering getting a dog, choose a breed that is known to be good at protecting home and property.
But if you don’t have enough money to purchase the dog, you can pretend you have one. Just hang on your door the sign ‘Beware of the dog.’
By taking steps to fortify your home, you can give yourself peace of mind and keep your family and possessions safe.
Show That There Is Always Someone In The House

Burglars are less likely to target a home that appears to be occupied. If you are going on vacation or will be away from home for an extended period, a great home security idea would be to have a trusted friend or neighbor keep an eye on your property. This person can collect mail and packages, turn lights on and off, and generally make it look like someone is always home. You can also use timer devices to turn lights on and off at different times to give the illusion that someone is home even when they’re not.
Do you remember that famous scene from ‘Home Alone’ when Kevin pulled the strings on the mannequins and pretended someone was in the house? Your house should look like this, and all the thieves in the area will bypass it.
Be Smart About Social Media

Many people use social media to share their daily activities with friends and family. However, it’s essential to be smart about what you share on social media, as criminals can use this information to their advantage.
For example, if you post about being out of town on vacation, your home becomes an easy target for burglars. It’s best to wait to post vacation photos until you return home.
Watch Thieves Markings
In addition to protecting your home with various systems and lifehacks, you can also prevent it from being broken into if thieves have chosen it. But how do you know? Fortunately, you are reading our article. Now we will tell you everything.
So, thieves use a special marking system for houses they would like to rob. This is also called ‘Burglar code.’ The thieves consider your home a target if you notice this on your door, wall, or near your house. However, what they decided to do with it can only be understood after deciphering the signs. These designations vary by country. In the United States, the following signs are most often found:
Code | Meaning |
An image that looks like an envelope | Alarmed house |
Two squares | Occupants afraid |
A rectangle with three vertical sticks on top and a circle to the right of them | Previously burgled |
Сross | Good target |
Сircle crossed out | Nothing worth stealing |
The capital letter ‘D’, on the vertical line of which there is a small horizontal dash | Too risky |
Five circles | Wealthy |
Сonnected rectangles that look like an open book | Vulnerable occupant |
These designations often give thieves the details they need about the home. These codes constantly change, so you may not see similar characters from our description.
However, if you don’t have kids and don’t have other kids running around in your neighborhood, strange drawings near your house should arouse your suspicion. Therefore, it is better to report this to the police and wait for help. Alternatively, draw a ‘not worth a robbery’ sign and be careful for the next few weeks.
What To Do If Somebody Is In My House?

If you suddenly find yourself in a situation where a burglar broke into your home, you must take meaningful and necessary actions to help save your life and the integrity of your home.
The main thing to consider is which of the two situations you are in.
If you are at home:
- In this case, you need to find a shelter where the criminal cannot find you, and if he does, he will not be able to get you there;
- Then, if you have the opportunity, leave your home as soon as possible. If you do not have such an opportunity, it is better to stay covered. However, if the robber is armed, it is better to stay in cover and not make noise;
- If possible, contact 911 and report what happened;
- Remember that even if you have self-defense tools, you should use them only as a last resort when there is no other way out;
- If an armed criminal has found you, the correct solution is not to provoke him, not to argue with him, and do whatever he asks. Only in this way can you save your life.
The opposite situation can also happen; you may notice a criminal in your house while in the street.
In this case:
- Do not enter the house even if the perpetrator is not armed. A thief caught red-handed can become aggressive and use any object as a weapon, harming your health.
- Tell the police about what happened in your house.
- Find the nearest shelter and wait for help.
It will also be helpful if you can remember the signs of the criminal or take a picture of him. The license plate must be memorized and reported to the police if he uses a car.
Bottom Line
It is essential to take measures to protect your home from burglaries. You can do many things to make your home less appealing to criminals and harder to break into.
However, remember that saving your life is the most crucial aspect of defense. Therefore, do not talk to the robbers under no circumstances; do not try to deal with them yourself. Always report suspicious individuals to the police and be vigilant.
How to protect your home from burglary?
To do this, you need to apply several precautions at once. Install video surveillance systems and motion sensors, and take measures inside the home like closing windows, hanging curtains, and warning your loved ones about safety measures.
What to do if somebody is in my house?
Your actions will differ depending on whether you are at home at that moment or not. But in general, you must either leave the house or not enter it. Call the police and wait for help. Do not try to deal with the robbers, even if you have the means of self-defense.
Does a dog help to make my house safe?
A dog can be an excellent helper against thieves since it is impossible to negotiate with it, and if it sees an enemy, it immediately attacks. The conversation with the dog will be short and effective. However, it must be looked after, fed, and treated.