How To Mount A Flat Screen TV? Useful Instructions & Tips For Installation

10.01.2023  by

Protect your flat screen tv from accidental dropping and learn how to mount it correctly. Only useful hints without unnecessary information!

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How To Clean Flat Screen TV Without Streaks: Best And Proven Ways Only

14.09.2022  by

During the day, our TV collects dust, fingerprints remain on it, and over time it becomes filthy. So, the essential thing in keeping the TV clean is regular cleaning and using the right flat screen cleaners.

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How To Hide Mounted TV Wires: 9 Ideas

15.07.2022  by

Tangled cables dangling from your TV, ruining your room’s perfect decor? It is worth considering the available options for organizing mounted TV wires.

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Decorating Place Above TV: 8 Ideas

03.07.2022  by

Leaving the area around the TV without any decoration would be foolish, as space may create an impression of insufficiency.

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